Sunday, January 22, 2012


This was a painful night.
A night where I remembered a forgotten thing.
A night I'll be kept up late
By life's caffeine.


I ignored the tear
As it rolled down Her cheek,
Thinking She deserved it,
And that Her love was deceit.
It had been hard
And I had suffered pain.
It was Her turn now
Because I wasn't doing it again.

And then It fell.
And I saw reflected there a three year old,
Given a hot drink,
After a play day in the snow.
I saw a five year old,
Who, as the doctor threaded the needle,
Had a hand to hold.
I saw a twelve year old,
Who after moving, life, love and everything,
Cried on her shoulder because he had no friends in this new city.
A rattled teenager,
Who felt responsible for a wrecked car.
A young man,
Given permission to accompany a morning star.

I sat by Her and hugged her.
Now repentant for pressing her,
Catching those tears on my arm.



  1. Peter, thanks for writing and posting this. The reflections in a tear is a clear way to capture the feelings and thoughts that sometimes lead us to forgive. If we can't see those reflections, we are apt to thinks we are just in our judgements against others. I wonder if we could see God's tears what we would see.

  2. I will have to say this is my favorite.
