Monday, January 7, 2013

Hot Coals

I am far to angry to be writing
And I find my self in danger
Of revealing more than I need.
All the reader requires to grow their wold is one little seed.

How come so little posses the mind with such power?
Explain the physics behind the velvet curtain
Of your eyes.
Take the little you do know and spread them thin.
Compete with the galaxy for being being blown out of proportion.
As I let out a sigh,
No more will I believe the lies.
And I've come to realize
I stopped caring, some where in the middle
That part of me did die
And I've left you with me, a riddle.
Something you've done
Just a twinkle in the eye.
So let me in, or juggle me yet,
And let these fires stew.
I will not say that I know best
But don't you dare say that you do.

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